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Free Condoms

Please fill out the form below for condom orders.

WAAC is funded to provide free safe sex packs (containing 1 condom and 1 lubricant sachet within packaging with health promotion messaging) to organisations, groups and individuals all around Western Australia.

We believe everyone has the right to access condoms and have the support they need to have happy, healthy and safe sex lives.

PLEASE NOTE: Safe Sex packs are only available for Western Australia. However, condoms can be purchased from WAAC if you live outside WA.

 If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or contact WAAC Reception on (08) 9482 0000.

Free condoms for individuals

We provide free condoms at all of our venues, including our main office, M Clinic, NSEP van, Freo Xchange and Freedom Centre.

You can also check out our free condom map below to see what services in your area have free condoms available.

Postage Costs

A flat $25 fee will be charged for postage in Perth metro and regional WA. Free pick up from our West Perth office is also possible. If there are financial barriers to this fee, please call us to discuss.

To pay for postage, you may pay with credit card over the phone or we can send you an invoice.

Free safer sex resources for organisations

*Please note this resource is for WA organisations/services only*

We provide free safe sex packs (containing a condom and lubricant sachet) to a wide range of services and organisations, including non-profit organisations, community groups, healthcare providers, medical centres, public health units, youth centres, schools, universities, pubs and clubs, backpackers, hostels and hotels, sex on premise venues, community events and much more.

If you are one of these organisations or services and work with the community, you can order free safe sex packs as part of our health promotion service.

Where can I buy condoms?

You can find condoms in most pharmacies, supermarkets and adult shops. You can also purchase them online. We also sell them at WAAC and M Clinic.

If you are a business, individual or organisation that requires a large number of condoms, WAAC sells a wide range of items, including:

Contact WAAC on [email protected]u for orders and to find out about purchasing safe sex equipment.

If you would like to support our work and enable us to provide free services to more individuals and organisations, your donation would mean a lot.


664 Murray Street, West Perth 6005