664 Murray St, West Perth WA 6005
Ph: (08) 9482 0000
Country Callers: 1800 671 130
W: waac.com.au
20 Colin St, West Perth WA 6005
Ph: (08) 9227 0734
F: (08) 9238 0702
60a Frame Court, Leederville WA 6007
Ph: 0451 459 389
WAAC: 9am – 4.30pm, Mon-Fri
NSEP: 9am – 4.30pm, Mon-Fri
FreoXChange: 12pm – 3pm, Mon, Wed and Fri
View M Clinic opening hours here.
View Freedom session times here.
Phone: 1300 56 52 57
Emergency Services - 000
PEP Line - 1300 767 161
Q Life - 1800 184 527 or webchat
Sexual Health Helpline -
9227 6178 (Metro) or 1800 198 205 (rural)
Mental Health Emergency Response Line -
1300 555 788 (Metro) or 1800 676 822 (Peel)
Rurallink - 1800 552 002
Lifeline - 13 11 14
Beyondblue - 1300 224 636
Suicide Call Back Service* - 1300 659 467
Men's Line Australia* - 1300 789 978
Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline - 9223 1199 or 1800 000 599
Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline - 9223 1188 or 1800 007 339
1800 RESPECT - 1800 737 732
Health Direct - 1800 022 222
Please send any questions or feedback through the form below.